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Volunteer Positions

All parents are required to perform at least one volunteer role during the school year. 

Room Parent

  • The most common and often the most fun volunteer job. Room parents are assigned/choose a class to assist. 
  • Find the clipboard for your assigned class, take attendance, and escort the students to the classroom.
  • Act as a second set of hands/eyes for the teacher, help with cleaning up, walking children to bathrooms and escort them back down stairs.
  • Be familiar with the emergency procedures (on the clipboard) and be able to help assist students in case of emergency.
  • Room parents must be present in the classroom.
  • Room parents observe classes for disruptive behavior and notify leadership, either by using the incident report form on our website or by email.  This includes but limited to: teasing, bullying, unwelcome help or hands on their work or person, refusing to follow directions, excessive need of teacher or room parent time, or anything that you would want to know about if it was your child.



  • Check the registrar email inbox regularly, and respond in a timely manner.
  • Assist families with the process of becoming members and registering for classes.
  • Manage and track family accounts.
  • Help set up classes on the website before registration opens for each term.
  • Staff the registration table at the open house.


Teacher Liason

Membership Liaison

  • Answer questions of prospective members via e mail or telephone in a prompt manner.
  • Create external advertisements for HEdFEx promoting the different courses or events and post them online or via e mail.
  • Inform the leadership if there are any prospective families looking to sample classes in the midst of the school year.
  • Coordinate visits of prospective members to the co op with the leadership team.
  • Post reminders on Hedfex website about events: like pajama day, crazy hair day, potlucks, picnics, Valentine's Day, etc... Include any details concerning the events such as what members should bring to take part in them.
  • Post flyers around community promoting the Open house.

Website Maintainer

  • Updating the homepages (private and public) when there are any changes needed, usually at the request of some other member of the leadership team.

Event Coordinator

  • Set dates for educational outings
  • Coordinate with places such as Camp Tanadoona (Fall and Spring), Science Museum of Minnesota, Children’s Theatre Company, etc
  • Access to Facebook page for coordination if desired.
  • Take feedback from Hedfex members about different days and times that work for outings.
  • Cancel or move outings as needed, depending on the response.
  • Plan social outings that appeal to different age groups and post on various websites.
  • Keep track of what information is needed from parents for various outings.
  • Post other events that might be fun for Hedfex members on our forum.

Idea Fair Coordinator

  • Set date for the Idea Fair.
  • Reserve space with church.
  • Send out reminders to sign up.
  • Keep a list of students signing up and if they need a display table or performance time. (Documentation may be stored in shared drive drive by leadership to support the coordinator)
  • Inform teachers at Hedfex of the date for the Idea Fair, to encourage students to display artwork, present a song with signing, etc.
  • Print out award certificates,
  • Purchase snacks and have a donation jar for them.